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Take time for fun each day!

I'm sure I'm not the only one that struggles with life balance.  Being self-employed, I seem to find myself working all the time, as there is always something that needs doing.  I have been known to feel guilty reading a book for pleasure on the weekend when I have work that is waiting.  (And there is always work waiting.)  Pretty crazy, eh?  Don't get me wrong.  I like what I do.  But when I am lying on my deathbed am I going to be looking back at my life and thinking, "I should have worked more"?  Probably not.  Why is it that I get so caught up in the day-to-day-in-the-big-scheme-of-things unimportant stuff?  Clearly I need to change my thinking!  By backing up and looking at the big picture it is easier to refocus on priorities - family, friends, time in nature, other interests - fun stuff.  I have decided to work towards taking weekends completely off on a regular basis.  And I am going to actively schedule fun time and I won't let myself feel guilty if I get behind on the work front.

Committing myself to have more fun sounds like a great idea to me!  What about you?  Is your life balanced or are you an obligation-a-holic?  Do you take a little time each day to do something you actually WANT to do?  If not, why not?  Do you think you don't deserve it?  Do you think as I did, that you simply don't have the time?  What is really important to you?  The daily obligations in your life, or the people and activities that you are most passionate about?  What responsibilities are getting in the way?  Can you delay them or delegate them so you can have at least half-an-hour to an hour a day to spend as you wish?  It may be useful to realize that we don't HAVE to do anything.  Everything we do or don't do is a choice.  So, make the time choices that make you happy, and you will be healthier too.

John Strelecky, author of the life-changing little book The Why Cafe asks, what are the five most important things that you want to do or accomplish in your life so that you would consider your life a success? Talk about a simple method to give direction to your life!  What are you doing today to plan for achieving your Big Five?  Write down your Big Five for Life, and put your list somewhere where you will see it every day.  Start planning now.  As the saying goes, life is not a dress rehearsal.

Related tips:
Courage and Persistence
Rest and Relaxation

Strelecky, John: The Why Cafe Da Copa Press, Cambridge MA, 2006
Strelecky, John: Your Big Five for Life Online

Copyright 2006 Vreni Gurd